Another use of the cleanser after wet sticky phenomenon, this cleanser was not added to the crude hydrolysis of collagen, or is added in excess of the other, "thickening agent" substances, such cleanser not only can not clear the pores in the dirt, on the contrary will be on your skin's surface to form a layer of sticky film on the metabolism of the pores is extremely unfavorable. In the selection of facial cleanser when lotion bottles wholesale in strict accordance with the instructions up to buy the right kind, and in the use of the method and amount to be according to the specification. Because the skin to adapt to each product have to go through a cleansing process, if the frequent replacement of skin cleansing products cause transient stinging, peeling or water, so we must strictly follow the instructions up to select. Do not frequent replacement cleanser brand you use, unless you think using the cleanser is not for you. Because different pH values for various brands of cleanser, one each for the skin must go through an adjustment period, it is recommended that you do not frequent replacement. But because people with different ages and skin will change the environment, and therefore, the required quality and lipstick case manufacturer variety of cleaning supplies is not static, to develop a skin test done every so often, or try some of the new features.Foam cleanser
This is the most we usually use, which is a surfactant formulations, is divided into multiple micro-bubble foam type two. By emulsifying surfactants on the ability to achieve the packaging for cosmetics cleaning effect of fat. The ability of such products to clean water-soluble dirt relatively strong.
Soaps cleanser is also one of the categories, but because of its characteristics obvious, so generally conventional surfactants cleanser and treated differently. These products rely on the ability to dissolve oils and oils to remove oily dirt, it is mainly for oily dirt, so are generally some of the cleansing oil, cleansing cream and so on. These products combine the above two types. 
