Traditional sales channels mainly cosmetic industry has supermarkets, department stores, specialty stores, specialty stores, e-commerce, beauty salons, pharmacies and so on. From each channel sales cosmetic containers wholesalerevenue, in 2012, supermarkets, department stores accounted for about 45% of total sales revenue; followed by stores, accounting for 11.5%; emerging rapidleather cosmetic bag development of e-commerce channels, accounting has reached more than 15%. Report is the first report on the systematic analysis of the terminal channelssmall cosmetic bag of cosmetics, has important reference value for enterprises to choose cosmetics marketing channels.
Use cosmetic bag is convenient makeup when they go out, I feel put lipstick, powder and spray water on the OK, as far as the eye shadow brush, should be placed in the home, this bag is not too heavy, but also sufficient. Cosmetic bag, is used for cosmetic bags, cosmetic. Are generally used for cosmetic bag, The more detailed division, multi-functional professional cosmetic bags, travel with simple cosmetic bag and small household cosmetic bag