Packaging containers are often used to refer to a reservoir or loading the article (e.g., boxes, cans, Tan), or formed or coated with a soft material shapeless. Middle finger on the computer the other controls can be placed on top of its controls. In the Glass dropper bottle actual development process, the importance of the data structure itself is not worse than the importance of the data structure in the operation of the algorithm, if the program exists in the high part of the time required to select the data structure becomes more important.
A limited number of classic data structures, but often we repeat some of the code in order to achieve a vector, such as the structure and packaging for cosmetics preparation of the list, these codes are very similar, but different data in order to adapt to changes and differ in the details. STL containers will provide us with this convenient, it allows us to reuse existing implementations of data structures constructed under its own specific type, by setting some of the template class, STL containers most commonly used data structure provides support for these templates parameter allows us to specify the data type container elements, many of us can be repeated and tedious work simplification.
The main part of the header file container,,,,, and aluminum jars composition. For some commonly used containers and container adapters (can be seen from the other container vessel implemented), can be summarized by the following statement about the correspondence between them and the corresponding header files.